Friday 3 March 2017

Trends of internet marketing dominating 2016

Mobile Marketing:

With launching of smartphones it has overtaken the desktop devices past several years. The size of the screen are larger and ease of use make the consumer so comfortable with device. Google and Facebook are trying to make more formatting so it will be beneficial for the users to use apps on smartphones easier than the desktop.


Everyday there is new start-ups and contents for the users. The internet has created new world of technology and business. There are so many websites launching to promote the different kind of business but this make the consumer so confused and bored seeing the same kind of ads for promoting the products. So the online marketers are launching some technologies and logistics limits of personalisation to make it more interested and safer for the audiences. They come in different features, individualisation and useful data to have repeat visiting of visitors.

App Marketing:

In the world of smartphones, they are so many things launched to promote the marketing, in this way different apps are the launched for the business. Users are addicted to the apps than the traditional websites. Recently google has launched the app streaming to access the unique functionality within the results.

Multi- point Marketing:

Now a day’s people are having difficulties in making decision because of so many advertisement. Internet has created a diversity among the peoples as now it is easier to telecast the anything in every corner of the world by introducing the diverse channels.


Greater Integration:

The internet marketing is becoming a co-independent as it is not possible without the content marketing strategy. This world is an integration of world. Now integration is most important for the advancement.  Marketers cannot thing to separate strategies for the advancement.

More Purchase point:

 Now a days the purchasing option is not difficult as it is available everywhere. Many apps has adopted the option for in app purchase or in app check out. It is acceptable that the purchase decision has become complicated for the consumer but this give an advantage to the marketers to rearrange the product to the consumer demand before they proceed to the website.

Better advertisement option:

In 2016 the advertising world has taken new shape in a long run. There are many option than ever. This a great opportunity for the marketing to peruse the new ideas to meet the need of consumer demand and utilize the results for the betterment. Attention metrics has become a revolutionized in way to get successful ads by calculating there qualitative experience of user. Latest ads and old technologies are cropping in new and old technologies alike.(Forbes.nd)

Thursday 2 March 2017

Disadvantages of internet marketing

Customer Ignore ads:

Many of the people are font of television ads or radio commercials so they did not prefer to watch the online ads or advertisements. As we all know youngsters or middle age people have lot of use of internet for their work or entertainment there is chances that they can avoid the ads which pop ups or they sees those ads which  they want to see. They can avoid clicking the banner advertisement or ignore the ads this also the side effects of internet marketing.

Viewing problems:

One of the problem that can occur is due to the technicality because this problem can occur and we don’t have any control to this and this will reduce the company opportunity of advertisement at appropriate time and also reduce the sales costs. Other problem is connectivity of internet, sometimes due to bad weather condition or connection issues.


Expensive Ads:

On the popular sites ads are very expensive it can cost up to thousand dollars like in New York Times. Video ads depend upon the amount of followers or and popularity of the websites, text messages and banners are expensive and there is no return on investment.

Consumer get distracted:

Today’s world is a world of gossips each and every is interested in gossips. Usually consumer visit websites for their celebrity gossips or they chat with friends and In often times they are clear about what they want to buy and from which website.

Too many Options:

There are too many websites for the advertisements. This is beneficial for the small business to start. Having so many options for the websites can narrow down the choices to the ads and there will be no craze for the consumer to watch the advertisement. A company has so many choices of how they will advertise their product through online by videos or by banner advertisement .They have to analyze that which way is better for their advertisement to increase their product sales. (Brookins, 2017)

Advantages of Internet marketing


Lower Operation costs:

By online marketing you can advertise throughout the world by sitting at home through email, blogs or interview through many social networking sites like skype and these things are cheaper or at lower cost than other marketing’s strategy. These king kind of marketing are consider as traditional method of advertising. To be in contact with customers with affordable methods are by emailing, printing brochures etc.

Tracking results:

One of the other benefits of internet marketing is you can track your results through online and get know about sales profits and losses in detailed graphics. Google analytics are free traffic analysis to get know about advertisement how it works throughout the world.

Demographic Targeting:

As we know this whole world is a demographic region which has different kind of people of different regions so internet marketing is the best wat to connect the whole world and know about their needs and want. This also help to build a relationship between customer and business. This allows you to fill out your questionnaire regarding their ages and interests and on the basis this information you can mold your services accordingly for the customer benefits.

Global marketing:

Global marketing helps you to be in contact with the customer for 24 hours and 7days a week. In this way you can promote your product to each and every pat part of the world. With the research’s you will able to know the view point of viewers and growth of your product and business. (Blunt, 2017)